Every Digicel customer gets voicemail at 9c per unit. For your convenience Digicel has set up automatic diverts to your voicemail if your phone is switched off or unanswered. You will receive a Text message on your mobile phone informing you that you have a new voicemail and all you need to do is simply dial 555 and follow the instructions.
When you first access your voicemail, we recommend that you change your default password from 1111 to an easily remembered number. You will also be asked to change your voicemail greeting of which you can do by following the instructions on the voicemail.
You can also check your voicemail from any phone in Fiji or overseas, all you need to do is:
- Dial 7000 555 from any other phone locally or abroad
- Enter your Digicel mobile number
- Enter your password
- Then your voicemail messages will be played back to you.
- Voicemail is charged at 9c per unit. Please feel free to call our Customer Care Department on 124 if you have any further queries or visit the nearest Digicel Shop.
*If you're accessing your voicemail from any phone in Fiji or overseas, you will be charged for listening to your voicemail messages. This will be dependent on what the call chargers are from the other Network provider.