Open Microsoft Office Outlook. From Menu Bar, click Tools and select Email Accounts. Under Email list, check the radio button.
Add a new email account.
Place a dot(check), POP3 for Server Type. Click Next.
Enter client details for Email Accounts window. password.Check Remember, Enter client name and email address in the fields provided for User Information.
Enter Unwired email server info under Server Information section. Incoming Server(POP3): Outgoing Server(SMTP):
Enter client username and password for Logon Information. User Name: type the complete email address. Password: Enter email password in the box.
Click More Settings button. Select Outgoing Server tab in Internet E-mail Settings. Place a tick(check), My outgoing server(SMTP)requires. Authentication-
Place a dot(check radio button), Use same settings as my incoming mail server. Click OK to return to previous screen.
After configuration of data, click Test Account Settings. If the input data is correctly entered & there is internet connectivity on the computer-
then Test Account Settings will return Complete with Green tick. If results error free, click Close then Next and Finish.
If you are not able to complete the above successfully, please do come down to the outlet or send us a message via FB or email.